
This method is invoked by the ControlWrapper when it needs to propagate an event back to the Form layer. Most controls should raise at least the update event in order to notify the form layer that the control value has changed. It is not necessary to raise an update event when updating the attribute value of a complex object or updating the list for a multi-valued complex type. The BOM JavaScript representations of these objects handle the updates internally.

Method Arguments:

  • eventName: Name of the event as configured in the component metadata. This name should correspond to one of the events specified as supported by the component type. Built-in events include close, doubleclick, enter, exit, localize, open, select, submit, and update.
  • eventValue: Object that differs depending on the event being raised. For update events, this is the new value. Other events do not need an eventValue. Any custom-defined events ignore the eventValue.