Assigning a Business Object

Assigning a Business Object is by reference.

data.personDataField =; // Business Object assigned to data
                             // field by reference
data.personDataField.age = 25;    // Also affects car.owner.age
var tempPerson = data.personDataField;	// Business Object assigned to
                                 // local variable by reference = "Bob";			// Also affects
var owner = factory.com_example_refval.createPerson(); = owner; = "Ludwig"; // Also affects;
Note: You can make a copy of the object first using the scriptUtil.copy(…) utility.

In the next example, although all assignments are by reference (there is only ever one Address), the final line of the script removes the Address from Customer, leaving Customer with no Address:

var address = factory.com_example_refval.createAddress();
data.customer.address = address;
data.account.address = customer.address; // They both point to the same object

If this script is modified to use scriptUtil.copy(…), account and customer end up with independent copies of the address:

var address = factory.com_example_refval.createAddress();
data.customer.address = address;
data.account.address = bpm.scriptUtil.copy(customer.address);
// Creates an independent Address