System Actions
System actions are actions that a user may wish to perform at runtime but that need to be authorized, or need to be restricted to users with a certain level of authority.
These actions might include, for example re-allocating work-items, skipping work-items, viewing another user’s work list, or administering resources.
This authorization is implemented by associating system actions with privileges within Organization Modeler. See Capabilities and Privileges for more details about privileges.
In Organization Modeler:
- For the Organization Model, the System Actions tab of the Properties view lists all the system actions that are available, and any privileges with which each is associated.
- For Organization Units, Positions and Groups, the System Actions tab of the Properties view lists the subset of system actions that are available for that class of entity, and any privileges with which each is associated.
In all these cases you can associate a system action with one or more privileges. As described in Capabilities and Privileges, privileges can have qualifiers which determine the level of the privilege. At run time, only users who hold the associated privilege with any required level of qualifier (or if more than one privilege is associated with a particular system action, users who hold all the associated privileges) are then allowed to carry out that system action.
At runtime, a list of system actions and privileges is maintained, as defined in the organization model, and thus determines whether a user is authorized to carry out a particular action.