Script task
Scripts performed individually as part of a process flow.
In the
Properties view for the task, select the
General tab. Enter the script itself in the
Describe Task Script: area.
Conditional Flow
Scripts to define the conditions that determine whether a conditional sequence flow is followed. At runtime, this causes the Sequence Flow to be followed only if the condition is met.
In the
Properties view for the conditional flow, select the
General tab. Enter the script in the
Describe Sequence Flow Condition area.
Scripts associated with a processing loop in the
Properties view for the task to which a loop has been applied.
On the
General tab of the
Properties view for the task, select either
Standard Loop or
Multiinstance Loop. From the
Loop tab, select JavaScript from the
Script Defined As: field and enter the script itself in the area provided.
Scripts added to start events or catch intermediate events in the
Properties view. You can also add scripts to events that have a timer defined.
In the
Properties view for the start event or catch intermediate event, select the
General tab. Enter the script itself in the
Scripts tab.
Process Manager Scripts
Scripts that are run in the context of the background execution of the process (as opposed to the processing of individual user task work items).
- Initiate - executes when the task/event activity is instantiated.
- Complete - executes when the task/event activity is completed.
- Timeout - executes when the task/event activity times out.
- Cancel - executes when the task/event activity is cancelled.
In the
Properties view for the task, select the
Scripts tab. Select from Process Manager Scripts to display the different sets of scripts available.
Work Manager scripts
Scripts that are run in the context of an individual work item. These scripts can also refer to entities in the organization model.
- Schedule - When the work item is scheduled from a user task, after all standard validations have run but before the task completion message is returned, the Schedule script will run.
- Reschedule - Executes when a work item is updated via a non-cancelling signal event on task boundary.
- Open - When a user opens a work item, the Open script will run. If necessary this script can force a cancellation of the work item open and keep the work item in the work list.
- Close - When a user closes a work item in a work list (i.e. saves the state of the work item rather than completing it), the Close script will run.
- Submit - When the work item is submitted, after all standard validations have run but before the task completion message is returned, the Submit script will run. If necessary this script can force a cancellation of the work item submit and keep the work item open and with the end user.
In the
Properties view for the task, select the
Scripts tab. Select from
Work Manager Scripts to display the different sets of scripts available.