Structure of the Data Mappings File

The Form Designer generates the data mappings file in the Presentation Resources folder for each form.

The naming convention is as follows:


The mappings file provides keys that correspond to the form parameters and provide a reference to the control or pane that renders the value. The value of any given key depends only on the name of the parameter upon which it is based. As long as the parameter names remain stable, the generated keys also remain stable.

The format of each line in the property file is as follows:

  <key> ::= <bindable-name> ['$' <property-name>]*
  <bindable-name> ::= 'param'_<element-name>
  <element-name> ::= [a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*
  <property-name> ::= [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
  <value> ::= <element-ref> [',' <element-ref>]*
  <element-ref> ::= <element-prefix> '.' <element-name>
  <element-prefix> ::= 'control' | 'pane'