
Clicking a parameter causes the Properties view for that parameter to appear in the Properties tab.

The Context Menu of a parameter allows you to delete, copy, or rename the parameter in the data model. Right-clicking on the Data node provides an option to add a new parameter.

Tip: Clicking a parameter in the tree mode of the Outline view is the only way to access the Properties view for the parameter.

For more details, see Configuration of Parameters.

Parameters Summary Table

The Parameters summary table provides an overview of the parameters. To see each parameter in the current project, select the Data node in the Outline view.

The Parameters summary table has the following fields:

  • Name
    Name of the parameter. To edit the name, click anywhere within the Name cell and edit the contents.
  • Label
    Editable label of the parameter.
  • Edit
    Displays the text Edit as a hyperlink. When clicked, will navigate to the configuration property screen for that parameter.
  • Mode
    Displays either IN, OUT, or INOUT. Specifies the direction of data flow for this parameter with respect to the Form.
  • Type
    Displays the primitive type of the parameter. When selected, a drop-down list becomes available to choose among the predefined primitive types, or select External Reference to choose a BOM type from a user-defined business object model.
  • Length
    Editable field for setting the length. It is active only if the selected type supports the length setting. Otherwise displays NA.
  • Decimal Places
    Editable field for setting the decimal places attribute. It is active only if the selected type supports the decimal places setting. Otherwise displays NA.
  • Array
    Check box that sets the array attribute of the parameter.
  • External Reference
    Displays the external reference associated with the parameter. Clicking the external reference enables the picker button, which displays a list of available external references for that parameter.