Context Menus

Context menus are available in the Outline view as well as in the Form Designer canvas.

Outline View Context Menu

You can use a context menu from the Outline view.

For more details, see Usage of the Outline View with Forms.

Form Designer Canvas Context Menu

You can also use a context menu from the canvas, by right-clicking the form icon or any form element in the Outline view. On the context menu, options are displayed as per the selected element.

Manage Form Elements from the Outline View
Select Definition
(Ctrl+X) Available for all elements except for fixed categories (Data, Shared Actions, Rules)
(Ctrl+C) Available for all elements. After you copy an element to the clipboard, you can paste it within this form or another form.
(Ctrl+V) Available when content is available on clipboard
Delete Available for all elements except for fixed nodes (Data, Shared Actions, Rules) and for the form itself
Rename Available for all elements except for fixed categories (Data, Shared Actions, Rules), as well as for added actions and rules
Select All
(Ctrl+A) Selects all root panes. Select All does not select parameters, shared actions, or rules.
Show Properties view Shows the Properties view, if not previously visible.