Keys for Enhanced User Interface

This section lists the common resource keys associated with the enhanced user interface.

For more information, see Enhanced User Interface.

Resource Keys for Enhanced User Interface
Resource Key Reference Value Description
form_class_defs Unused in the default implementation. Defines the classes to be applied at the form-level.

[{"selector": "", "classes": "modal-content"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div/div/table", "classes": "table table-condensed"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div", "classes": "nav-tabs-label"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div/div/div", "classes": "panel panel-default"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div/div/div/div/table", "classes": "table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div/div/div/table", "classes": "table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]", "classes": "modal-header"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr/td/label", "classes": "label label-visible"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied for performance metrics user interface.

[{"selector": "div/div[2]", "classes": "help-block"}, \

{"selector": "div/div[1]", "classes": "form-group has-feedback"}, \

{"selector": "div/div[1]", "where": "in-grid", "classes": "form-group-sm"}, \

{"selector": "div/div/span[tf_uir=feedback]", "classes": "glyphicon form-control-feedback"}, \

{"selector": "div/div[1]", "when": "invalid", "classes": "has-error"}, \

{"selector": "div/div/span[tf_uir=feedback]", "when": "invalid", "classes": "glyphicon-warning-sign"}, \

{"selector": "div/div[1]", "when":"valid", "classes": "has-success"}, \

{"selector" : "div/div/span[tf_uir=feedback]", "when": "valid", "classes": "glyphicon-ok"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a control markup.

[{"selector": "//input", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control"}, \

{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=textinput numeric]/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]", "classes": "input-group"}, \

{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=textinput numeric]/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]/span[1]", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "input-group-addon"}, \

{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=textinput numeric]/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]/span[1]/span[1]", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "fa fa-slack"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a text control markup.
control_textarea_class_defs [{"selector": "//textarea", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a textarea control markup.

[{"selector": "//div/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "input-group"}, \

{"selector": "//span", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control"}, \

{"selector": "//div/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]/span[1]", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "input-group-addon"}, \

{"selector": "//div/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]/span[1]/i", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "glyphicon glyphicon-ok"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a checkbox markup.

[{"selector": "//div/div/div[1]", "target": "widget", "classes": "help-block"}, \

{"selector": "//div/div/input", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a duration markup.
control_duration_class_defs [{"selector": "//div", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control tf-label-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a label markup.

[{"selector": "//select", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control control-lg tf-select-fixer"},\

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/div[1]", "classes": "input-group"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a single-select optionlist markup.
control_radiogroup_class_defs [{"selector": "//div/div/div/span", "target": "widget", "classes": "radio-inline"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a radiogroup markup.

[{"selector": "//a", "target": "widget", "classes": "btn-link"}, \

{"selector": "//div/div[2]/div[1]", "classes": "has-feedback has-tibco-feedback"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a hyperlink markup.

[{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=button primary]/div[2]/div[1]/button", "classes": "btn btn-primary"}, \

{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=button peripheral]/div[2]/div[1]/button", "classes": "btn btn-secondary"}, \

{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=button associative]/div[2]/div[1]/button", "classes": "btn btn-link"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a button markup.
control_date_class_defs [{"selector": "//div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/input", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a date control markup.
control_datetime_class_defs [{"selector": "//div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/input", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a date-time control markup.
control_time_class_defs [{"selector": "//div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/input", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a time control markup.

[{"selector": "", "classes": "panel panel-default"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=pane-label]", "classes": "panel-heading"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]", "classes": "panel-body"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a vertical pane markup.

[{"selector": "", "classes": "panel-default form-inline"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=pane-label]", "classes": "panel-heading"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]", "classes": "panel-body"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a horizontal pane markup.

[{"selector": "", "classes": "panel panel-default form-inline"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=pane-label]", "classes": "panel-heading"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]", "classes": "panel-body"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/div", "classes": "form-horizontal"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/div/table", "classes": "table table-striped grid-line-table"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/div/button", "classes": "btn btn-secondary"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a grid pane markup.

[{"selector": "", "classes": "panel panel-default"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=pane-label]", "classes": "panel-heading"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]", "classes": "panel-body"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/div[class=pane-page-navigation]/div[class=nav-input]/input", "classes": "form-control"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/div/button", "classes": "btn btn-secondary"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a record pane markup.

[{"selector": "", "classes": "panel panel-default"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=pane-label]", "classes": "panel-heading"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]", "classes": "panel-body"}, \

{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/table/tbody/tr/td/div/div[class=gwt-Label]", "classes": "nav-tabs-label"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a tabbed pane markup.

[{"selector": "//div", "classes": "modal-content"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]", "classes": "modal-header"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/div/div/div[2]/button[class=tf-dialog-ok]", "classes": "btn btn-primary"}, \

{"selector": "div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/div/div/div[2]/button[class=tf-dialog-cancel]", "classes": "btn btn-secondary"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a modal dialog pane markup.
pane_messages_class_defs [{"selector": "div/div", "classes": "pane-message-validation-error"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a message pane markup.
control_static_class_defs [{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/div[class=hint]", "classes": "help-block"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a static control markup.

[{"selector": "//input", "target":"widget", "classes": "form-control"}, \

{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=textinput numeric]/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "input-group"}, \

{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=textinput numeric]/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]/span[1]", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "input-group-addon"}, \

{"selector": "//div[tf-comp-type=textinput numeric]/div[class=tf-container]/div[1]/span[1]/span[1]", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "fa fa-slack"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a text control markup in a static pane.
control_date_static_class_defs [{"selector": "//input", "target":"widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a date control markup in a static pane.
control_datetime_static_class_defs [{"selector": "//input", "target":"widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a date-time control markup in a static pane.
control_time_static_class_defs [{"selector": "//input", "target":"widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a time control markup in a static pane.
control_duration_static_class_defs [{"selector": "//input", "target":"widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a duration control markup in a static pane.

[{"selector": "//input", "target":"widget", "classes": "form-control"}, \

{"selector": "//select", "target":"widget", "classes": "form-control"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of an optionlist markup in a static pane.
control_radiogroup_static_class_defs [{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/span", "classes": "radio-inline"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a radiogroup markup in a static pane.
control_textarea_static_class_defs [{"selector": "//textarea", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a textarea markup in a static pane.
control_label_static_class_defs [{"selector": "//div", "target": "widget", "classes": "form-control tf-label-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a label markup in a static pane.

[{"selector": "div[class=tf-container]/div[1]/span", "classes": "glyphicon glyphicon-link"}, \

{"selector": "//a", "target": "widget", "classes": "btn-link"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a hyperlink markup in a static pane.

[{"selector": "//button", "target": "widget", "classes": "btn-secondary"}, \

{"selector": "div", "where": "not-in-grid", "classes": "help-block"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a button markup in a static pane.

[{"selector": "", "classes": "panel panel-default"}, \

{"selector": "div[1]", "classes": "panel-heading"}, {"selector": "div[2]", "classes": "panel-body"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a vertical pane markup in a static pane.

[{"selector": "", "classes": "panel-default form-inline"}, \

{"selector": "div[1]", "classes": "panel-heading"}, {"selector": "div[2]", "classes": "panel-body"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a horizontal pane markup in a static pane.

[{"selector": "div[2]", "target": "widget", "classes": "btn btn-tertiary"}, \

{"selector": "div[2]/span/a", "target": "widget", "classes": "btn-xs"}, \

{"selector": "div[2]/span[1]/a/span", "target": "widget", "classes": "glyphicon glyphicon-plus"}, \

{"selector": "div[2]/span[2]/a/span", "target": "widget", "classes": "glyphicon glyphicon-minus"}, \

{"selector": "div[2]/span[3]/a/span", "target": "widget", "classes": "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up"}, \

{"selector": "div[2]/span[4]/a/span", "target": "widget", "classes": "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a list control markup.
control_textinput_list_class_defs [{"selector": "//input", "target": "list-edit-widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a text list control markup.
control_date_list_class_defs [{"selector": "//div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/input", "target": "list-edit-widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a date list control markup.
control_datetime_list_class_defs [{"selector": "//div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/input", "target": "list-edit-widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a date-time list control markup.

[{"selector": "//div/div/div", "target": "list-edit-widget", "classes": "help-block"}, \

{"selector": "//div/div/input", "target": "list-edit-widget", "classes": "form-control"}]

Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a duration list control markup.
control_time_list_class_defs [{"selector": "//div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]/input", "target": "list-edit-widget", "classes": "form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a time list control markup.
control_textarea_list_class_defs [{"selector":"//textarea", "target":"list-edit-widget", "classes":"form-control"}] Defines the set of classes to be applied at each element of a textarea control markup.
control_custom_class_defs Optional key. It's not defined by default, but you can use it to

write class definitions similar to the ones that are provided for built-in controls.