Database Concepts Overview

Database concepts are TIBCO BusinessEvents concepts that you create by mapping tables or views from a database to TIBCO BusinessEvents concepts.

One table or view maps to one TIBCO BusinessEvents database concept definition. A row in the table or view maps to one database concept instance. A column in a table or view gets mapped to a concept property.

Database concepts are created using the Database Import utility. This utility introspects the specified database schema and generates TIBCO BusinessEvents concepts. You can choose which tables or views to import.

When you import from a database, you can optionally generate relationships between database concepts based on database constraints. The utility imports any additional database entities that were not in the original selection but that must be imported because they have a relationship to the selected subset of entities.

A separate utility enables you to import domain models for database concepts from a source database column. You can then associate the domain model with the appropriate database concept.

Differences from Ordinary Concepts

The following are the differences between the database concepts and ordinary concepts:

  • Assertion into Rete Network: Database concept instances returned by database query functions are not asserted into the Rete network automatically. You must assert them explicitly. To do so, use the RDBMS function Database.assertDBInstance().
  • History: Database concept properties do not support history tracking.

Minimum Permissions Required

Metadata access rights are required, because concepts and events are created using table metadata.

See Also

  • TIBCO BusinessEvents Architect’s Guide, for understanding of database concepts and concept relationships.
  • TIBCO BusinessEvents Developer’s Guide, for basic concept procedures and reference, CDD configuration, and use of diagrams.
  • TIBCO BusinessEvents Administration for deploy-time configuration.

Handling of Null Value Properties

To work with external databases, concept instances are serialized to XML. By default, when concept instance objects are serialized to XML, properties with null values are excluded. You can control handling of null properties in the XML representation of serialized concepts. Note that for numeric datatypes, some special handling may be required for interoperability. See the section Handling Null Properties in TIBCO BusinessEvents Developer’s Guide for details.