Update and Delete Operations
Perform the update or delete operations on row using their primary key.
Each instance of a database concept maps to one row in a database table. In order for the database to perform updates or deletes on the TIBCO BusinessEvents objects, or for TIBCO BusinessEvents to perform updates or deletes on the database tables, the software must be able to uniquely identify the row. Therefore, you can only perform delete and update operations if the table has at least one primary key. If you attempt to perform an update for a row that has no primary key, an exception is thrown.
To find out whether a table has primary keys or not, open the project in TIBCO Designer, and check the PRIMARY_KEY_PROPS metadata property, which is on the Metadata Properties tab for the concept. If this property has no value, no primary keys exist and you cannot perform update or delete operations.
- update()
The Database.update() function updates the database with values contained in the concept. - delete()
The Database.delete() function deletes a record corresponding to the concept instance in the database.