Configuring Database Concepts Metadata Properties

Database concepts and their properties have metadata properties. You may need to change the metadata properties in some cases.

For example, when the underlying column name in the database is changed later on, you need to change the property name or column name mapping.

The metadata properties for a concept are available on the Metadata Properties section of the concept resource. The metadata properties for a property are available on the short-cut menu of that property.

See Metadata Properties Reference for details on properties.

Tip: Metadata properties are disabled for concepts other than database concepts. If you want to use an existing concept as a database concept, you can enable the metadata properties so that you can manually configure them as needed. In the title bar, click the Enable Metadata Configuration ( ) button to enable metadata properties for editing.


  1. In TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio, open the database concept for editing.
  2. Expand the Metadata properties section to see the settings, and set them following guidelines in Metadata Properties Reference.
  3. To configure metadata properties for a property, in the Properties section, right-click in the row of the property whose metadata properties you want to display and select Metadata Properties.

    You see the Metadata Properties dialog, showing the property’s metadata properties. Set the values following guidelines in Metadata Properties Reference.

  4. Save the resource.