Configuring InfluxDB as a Metrics Store

To integrate your TIBCO BusinessEvents application with InfluxDB, you can configure InfluxDB as the metrics store. You can use the steps below to configure the InfluxDB metrics store through the CDD file:

To know more about InfluxDB and Grafana integration, see Integrating TIBCO BusinessEvents with InfluxDB and Grafana.

  1. In TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio, open the project CDD file for editing.
  2. On the Cluster tab, under Application Metrics, select Metrics Store.
  3. In the Configuration window, provide the values for the following configurations:
    Store ProviderSelect InfluxDB.
    InfluxDB URLSpecify URL of the InfluxDB server.
    OrganizationSpecify organization of the InfluxDB database.
    BucketSpecify bucket to use from the organization.
    Auth Scheme

    Select authentication scheme to use.

    • TOKEN: Token is used to authenticate.

    • SESSION: A user session is created with the provided username and password. Use this to authenticate. Specify a username and password with write permission to the organization.

    The default value is TOKEN.

    TokenUsed when Auth Scheme is TOKEN. Specify a token with write permission to the organization.
    UsernameUsed when Auth Scheme is SESSION. Specify a user name with write permission to the organization.
    PasswordUsed when Auth Scheme is SESSION. Specify the password for the Username specified.
    Connect Timeout

    Specify socket timeout in milliseconds.

    Default value: 10000

    Write Timeout

    Specify write timeout in milliseconds

    Default value: 10000

    Write Precision

    Specify the write precision for the batch.

    Default value: NANOSECONDS

    Log LevelSpecify log level for the InfluxDB client library.
  4. (Optional) To enable secure authentication, select the Security Enabled check box and fill values for the following fields:

    Field Description
    Trusted Certificates Location While using SSL authentication, provide the path to the base folder containing the certificate files.
    Trust Store Password Specify a password for the trust store.