Listener Required Signature

Simple listeners (callback functions) must have a signature with the parameter types except the opaque parameter. The advanced listener also uses the opaque parameter.

See Pattern Matching Functions in a Project to understand how these parameter values are created.

Parameter Notes
String patternDefURI Identifies the URI of the registered pattern definition.
String patternInstanceName The name of the instantiated pattern instance.

This name enables you to identify data belonging to different instantiations of the registered pattern definitions.

Object correlationId This ID is derived from the first correlation property for each pattern set. The success or failure rule function is executed once for each set.
Object closure Closure object provided when executing the Pattern.Manager.setClosure() function.

The closure for a pattern is used to distinguish one instantiated pattern instance from another, generally used in completion and failure listeners.

Object opaque Provides some insight into the events that triggered the pattern, using provided catalog functions.
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