Correlation and Exact Match
You can use one or more exact matches in your pattern. To use an exact match, specify a property and an exact value for that property.
In the following example, only the order event with the specified customerId property value will be processed.
order.customerId = "123-ABC-456"
A pattern cannot begin with an exact match; a correlation is required as the first element in the clause.
then any one then all
Then all events in that sequence must use correlation.
To illustrate how exact matches are used, consider the following simple example. Orders are placed and processed for shipment, then they sit on the loading bay, waiting for the next delivery truck. If the truck does not pick up the orders within two hours, customer service is alerted.
define pattern /OrderShipper using /Order as order and /orderProcessed as processed and /deliveryvan as van with order.customerId and processed.customerId and van.pickupStatus=Ready starts with order then processed then within 2 hours van
The pattern is deployed and the Pattern Matcher service starts listening to the events that are sent to it. It puts sets of events that satisfy all the aspects of the pattern into "buckets." At a certain point in time, it has the following "buckets":
- order.customerId=123, processed.customerId=123
- order.customerId=456, processed.customerId=456
- order.customerId=789
Then a truck arrives and the loading bay staff enters its status. A deliveryvan event is sent with status=ready.
The Pattern Matcher updates all of its "buckets" for this pattern accordingly:
- order.customerId=123, processed.customerId=123, van.pickupStatus=ready
- order.customerId=456, processed.customerId=456, van.pickupStatus=ready
The above pattern instances succeed and the success rule function executes for each of the instances.
The bucket that contained only order.customerId=789 fails, and the failure rule function pattern executes.
You might feel that the incomplete "bucket" with order.customerId=789 should just wait for its corresponding event, processed.customerId=789 and be delivered on a later truck. If that is the case you must write a different pattern. This simple example only illustrates how the Pattern Matcher service processes a pattern that contains a correlation and an exact match.
You can specify an exact match in many ways, such as the following: = "some string" = 10 = 10.0 = 0.1d = 333333L = 333333l = false = False = $param1 = $date(2009, 12, 25) = $dateTime(2009, 12, 25, 9, 48, 37, 0) = $javaUtilDate
Parameter values are provided at deploy-time.