Adding a Series Color

One chart can use more than one series and each series can have its own series color set.

A series color set is a pair of colors: a base color and a highlight color. The base color is used for a graphic element. The highlight is the color that gives the element a 3-dimensional look.

See Custom Skins for information about limitations in this release. Ensure that you set defaults for all options that can have defaults.


  1. Select the Dashboards folder (or other folder where you want to save the custom skin elements). In the New Skin Color drop-down list, select Series Color.
  2. In the New Series Color wizard, enter a name for the series color, and optionally provide a description.
  3. Click Finish.
    You see the Series Color editor.
  4. Add the Base Color, the Highlight Color and optionally add a description.
  5. Click Save.