Chart Series and Data Sources

Each chart defines one or more series of data values. Data for each series is provided by one data source.

One data source can be used for multiple different series (in the same chart or in different charts). The data source provides the data, but configuration in the chart editor determines what aspects of that data are used, and how it is presented.

Categories, Values, and Data Points

Each chart value is presented as a data point representing a specific value for a certain category, such as the counts of zip codes or the names of sales regions.

Values and categories are configured using the following resources:

  • Metric aggregation fields provide the data for chart value fields.
  • Metric group by fields provide the chart categories. (There are exceptions but this is the generally the case).

In general you choose one category for a chart, and multiple values. To configure multiple values (for example, for the columns of a table) you define multiple series. Each series uses a different field for the value, and the same field as the category.

Exceptions to this guideline are as follows:

  • Multi-category table charts. See Configuring a Multi-Category Table Chart
  • Multimetric table charts. Multimetric tables allow you to use different metrics and categories for each series. The data is arranged in single rows, horizontally, rather than in vertical columns.

Cartesian Chart Types

Many chart types are cartesian, where the data point is shown at the intersection of the category axis and the value axis. Cartesian types of charts can represent only numeric values.

You can optionally display labels on the X and Y axes. The range of values would be shown on the value axis and the unique group by values would be used as category axis labels. The labels can be formatted, and they can be hidden.

Other Chart Types

A numeric data point can also be represented using a graphical element, such as a wedge in a pie chart.

Only table type charts can display text values. Tables can also show numeric values.

Some Chart Types Use Different Series Types

Certain chart types require use of multiple series, where each series is specified as a different type.

Vertical Range Plot Charts

Vertical Range Plot charts display three different values for each data point: a minimum, current, and maximum value. Each of those values is calculated using a separate series of the appropriate type: min, current, and max.

Column Line and Scatter charts

Configuration of Column Line and Scatter charts require series of types Column, Line, and Scatter