Adding a Custom Skin

After you have added a system skin, you can add and use a custom skin. A custom skin can use elements from the system skin and custom elements you define: series colors, chart color sets, and text color sets.

See Custom Skins for information about limitations in this release.

Note: Ensure that you select defaults for all settings that have defaults. Doing so ensures proper display of Dashboard at runtime in the event of any configuration issues.


  1. In TIBCO BusinessEvents Studio Explorer, select the Dashboards folder (or other folder where you want to save the custom skin). In the New Skin Color drop-down list, select Skin.
  2. Name the skin, and optionally, provide a description.
  3. Click Finish. You see the Skin editor.
  4. Enter a Display Name and Description.
  5. Configure various color components by clicking the color and selecting the color of your choice from the color palette.
  6. Select one or more chart color sets from the Chart Color Set bottom tab and select one as the default.
  7. Select one or more text color sets from the Text Color Set bottom tab, and select one as the default.
    Tip: Selecting default chart and text color sets is required. Charts may not display properly if you do not do so (in the case that a specified element is not available in the skin used for a view).
  8. Click Save.