Test your Application in the Kubernetes Setup on the Google Cloud Platform


  • Google Cloud account with a project and cluster
  • Google Cloud SDK
  • Kubectl


  1. From a terminal, execute these commands:
    gcloud auth login
    gcloud config set project <your project name>
    gcloud config set container/cluster <your cluster name>
    gcloud container clusters get-credentials <your cluster name> --zone <your cluster zone name>
    kubectl get nodes 
  2. Tag the application image created in the previous step.
    docker tag bwce-soap-jms-app gcr.io/<your project name>/bwce-soap-jms-app
  3. Push your application image to Google Container Registry.
    gcloud docker push gcr.io/<your project name>/bwce-soap-jms-app
  4. Confirm that the image is present in the Google Container Registry
  5. Open the manifest.yml file and update the application image name. Ensure the image name follows the format:
    gcr.io/<your gcloud project name>/<image name>
  6. Navigate to the samples directory where the manifest file is present and execute the following command to create the service:
    kubectl create -f manifest.yml
  7. To check that application is started successfully, execute the following command
    kubectl logs <pod name>


If the application deploys successfully, you will see a similar output in the console log.
13:49:06.733 INFO  [Framework Event Dispatcher: Equinox Container: 608aaa95-52d7-0015-1f90-d3fd61937bf8] com.tibco.thor.frwk.Application - Started by BusinessStudio, ignoring .enabled settings.
13:49:11.962 INFO  [bwEngThread:In-Memory Process Worker-6] c.t.b.p.g.L.t.b.s.b.s.j.Z.Log - Output of getCityInfo : 61801 Urbana Illinois Urbana, Illinois, United States 40.11 88.207
Output of getCityDistance :  Distance between two cities is : 4 miles. 61801 61820 Urbana Champaign Illinois Illinois Urbana, Illinois, United States Champaign, Illinois, United States