Common JMS Properties and Headers

JMS properties comprise message headers and message properties. MessageHeader properties are set by the JMS client sending the message. You can view these after the message is received. You can also set MessageProperties on the outgoing messages on the Input tab of the activity that sends messages.

Message Headers

The following table describes the messages headers.

MessageHeaders Property Dataype Description
JMSDestination string The destination where the message is sent.
JMSReplyTo string The JMS destination where the reply message should be sent.
JMSDeliveryMode string The delivery mode of the message. Can be one of the following:
  • PERSISTENT: signifies the messages are stored and forwarded.
  • NON_PERSISTENT: messages are not stored and may be lost due to failures in transmission.
JMSMessageID string The unique ID of the message.
JMSTimestamp long The time a message was handed off to a JMS provider to be sent. The time is expressed as the amount of time, in milliseconds, since midnight, January 1, 1970, UTC.
JMSExpiration long The expiration time of the message. The time is expressed as the amount of time, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970, UTC. If set to 0, the message does not expire.
JMSRedelivered boolean Typically this item is set when the JMS provider has delivered the message at least once before.
JMSPriority integer The priority of the message. Priority is a value from 0-8. Higher numbers signify a higher priority (that is, 8 is a higher priority than 7).
JMSCorrelationID string This ID is used to link a response message with its related request message. This is usually the message ID of a request message when this field is found in a reply message.
JMSType string The JMS provider-supplied string to describe the type of the message. Some JMS providers use this property to define messages in the provider’s repository.

For more information about the use of this field, see the JMS provider documentation.

Message Properties

The following table describes the messages properties.

MessageProperties Dataype Description
JMSXUserID string The ID of the user sending the message.

This property is optionally set on incoming messages by the JMS application. This property is not set on outgoing messages.

JMSXAppID string The ID of the application sending the message.

This property is optionally set on incoming messages by the JMS application. This property is not set on outgoing messages.

JMSXProducerTIXID string The transaction identifier of the transaction where this message was produced.

This property is optionally set on incoming messages by the JMS application. This property is not set on outgoing messages.

JMSXConsumerTXID string The transaction identifier of the transaction where this message was consumed.

This property is optionally set on incoming messages by the JMS application. This property is not set on outgoing messages.

JMSXRcvTimestamp integer The time the JMS server delivered the message to the consumer. The time is expressed as the amount of time, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970, UTC.

This property is optionally set on incoming messages by the JMS server. This property is not set on outgoing messages.

JMSXDeliveryCount integer The number of delivery attempts for this message.
JMSXGroupID string The identity of the message group this message is a part of.

You can set this property on outgoing messages to group messages into a numbered sequence.

JMSXGroupSeq integer The sequence number of this message in its group.

You can set this property on outgoing messages to group messages into a numbered sequence.