Shared Resource Framework Error Codes

The Shared Resource Framework is responsible for the creating and managing the shared resources required by the product applications. This section describes the error messages that can be reported by the Shared Resource Framework.

Error Codes Error Message
TIBCO-BW-SR-FRWK-000010 Shared Resource Creation Error. The ResourceDependencyHandler object returned by [{0}#create()] is null.
TIBCO-BW-SR-FRWK-500001 {0}
TIBCO-BW-SR-FRWK-502000 Failed to {0} SharedResource [{1}] for Module [{2}:{3}], DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}]{6}
TIBCO-BW-SR-FRWK-503000 Unable to start SharedResource [{0}] {1}. <Reason>: {2}
TIBCO-BW-SR-COMMON-001101 Unable to get IdentitySubject from Trinity for {0}.
TIBCO-BW-SR-COMMON-001102 Object is not of type IdentitySubject for {0}.
TIBCO-BW-SR-COMMON-001103 Unable to get IdentityTrust from Trinity for {0}.
TIBCO-BW-SR-COMMON-001104 Object is not of type IdentityTrust for {0}.
TIBCO-BW-SR-COMMON-001105 Unsupported PrivateKey.
TIBCO-BW-SR-COMMON-001105 Key not found.
TIBCO-BW-SR-COMMON-001105 Problem extracting Key.
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-502000 Failed to {0} Thread Pool resource [{1}]
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-500001 Failure during execution of pending task {0} in work queue on ThreadPool shutdown.
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-500002 Could not submit task {0} for execution.
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-500003 No matching time unit found for {0}, possible values are {NANOSECONDS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS}.
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-500004 No matching rejection policy found for {0}, possible values are {BLOCKING, CALLER_RUNS, ABORT}.
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-500005 Keep Alive Time should be greater then or equal to zero.
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-500006 Maximum Pool Size should be greater then zero and less then or equal Core pool size.
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-500007 Core Pool Size should be greater then or equal to zero.
TIBCO-BW-SR-THREADPOOL-500008 Minimum Pool Size should be greater then or equal to zero.