Creating a Shared Module

Shared modules are the smallest unit of resources that are named, versioned, and packaged as part of an application and can be used by other modules that are part of the same application.

The New BusinessWorks Shared Module wizard helps create a shared module. There are multiple ways to launch the wizard:

  • From the main menu, select File > New > BusinessWorks Resources and then select BusinessWorks Shared Module.
  • Right-click in the Project Explorer view and select New > BusinessWorks Shared Module.

Specify the values for the following fields in the wizard:

  1. Project name: Name of the shared module.
  2. Use default location: Specifies the location on disk to store the shared module's data files. By default, this value is set to the workspace. To change, clear the check box and browse to select the location to be used.
  3. Version: Version of the shared module.
  4. Deployment Target: Select the required deployment platform(s).
    Note: Optional. You can set the default deployment profile to create applications, and migrate the existing TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition 5.x projects with the set preference. Navigate to Window > Preferences > BusinessWorks > Deployment Profile.
    Note: Deployment target support for dependency modules when refactoring the platform support for dependent modules adds the target support instead of overwriting it. For example,

    Application1 : Configured to AppSpace and uses SharedModule1

    Application2 : Configured to AppSpace and uses SharedModule1

    SharedModule1 : Configured to AppSpace

    If the deployment target platform for Application2 is reconfigured to Container, then SharedModule1 will now configured to both AppSpace and Container.

  5. Depending on the deployment platform selected by user, the project name will be followed by the deployment target names. For example, tibco_bw_sample_palette_http_requestresponse [Container, Tibco Cloud, AppSpace].
  6. Use Java Configuration: Select to provide the Java tooling capabilities in your module. Selecting this option creates a Java module.
  7. Click Finish.


A shared module with the specified name is created and opened in the workbench.