Creating an Application

The New BusinessWorks Application wizard helps create an application. There are multiple ways to launch the wizard:
  • From the main menu, select File > New > BusinessWorks Resources and then select BusinessWorks Application.
  • From the Module Descriptors > Overview getting started area, click Create a BusinessWorks Application.
  • Right-click in the Project Explorer view and select New > BusinessWorks Application.

Specify the values for the following fields in the wizard:

  1. Project name: Name of the application.
  2. Use default location: Specifies the location on disk to store the application's data files. By default, this value is set to the workspace. To change, clear the check box and browse to select the location to be used.
  3. Version: Version of the application.
  4. Create Application Module: Selected by default to create an application module with the specified name. Clear the check box if you do not want to create an application module.
  5. Click Finish.


An application with the specified name is created and opened in the workbench. If the option to create an application module was selected, the application module with the specified name is also created.