
The While activity repeats the series of grouped activities if the specified condition evaluates as true. The condition is evaluated when the group is enters. If the condition evaluates to false, the activities within the group are not executed.


The General tab has the following fields.

Field Description
Name The name to be displayed as the label for the activity in the process.
Group Type The type of group. The default is While.
Index Name Use this field to specify a name for the index variable.
Note: Select the Global check box to make the index variable available for the activities outside the loop.
Condition The condition ($index) is specified through an XPath expression which can be a literal value. Click the Edit XPath Expression button to set an XPath expression.
Accumulate Output Select this check box to accumulate the output of one of the activities in a group.

The output of the selected activity is accumulated each time the activity is executed.

Output Activity Select the activity from the group of activities for an output reference when executing the loop.
Output Name The name of the list of the accumulated output of the selected activity.
Reset Variables The variable to be reset during each iteration of the While group.

Click the Add icon, and select the variable to be reset.

To delete the variable, click the variable in the Reset Variables field. The Remove icon with a tooltip 'Remove <variable name> ' is displayed. Click the Remove icon to remove the variable from the Reset Variables field.


Provide a short description for the group.


A group of shared variables. Depending on the group selected in the Group Type, Container displays the group. For example, if the Scope group is selected in the Group Type field, it displays Scope in Container. You can add multiple variables of complex or simple type.

You can select from the following available Variable Type options:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Decimal
  • Boolean
  • Date&Time