Modifying the Application Properties


  1. From the Project Explorer navigate to (as shown in the image) and click on Properties.
    Follow these steps to update the following properties:
    • dbUserName
    • dbPassword
    • dbUrl
    The values use the format #<serviceName>.credentials.<parameter>#
    For example #oracle.credentials.username#.
  2. To update the dbURL property, first click the property name and then click the icon.

    The Cloud Container Service Configuration window is displayed. This window initially contains no values.

  3. Click Configure Cloud Container Connection.
    The Cloud Container Connection Configuration window is displayed.
  4. Specify the configuration properties and click Test Connection.
    If the connection is successful, variables are populated in the Cloud Container Service Configuration window as shown in the next figure.

  5. Choose url under postgres and click OK.
  6. Similarly update the dbUsername property. The Cloud Container Service Configuration window will now contain values and you need not click Configure Cloud Container Connection.
  7. Follow steps in dbPassword Property to modify the dbPassword property.
  8. Click Save.