Adding an Operation

For REST services and references that were created without a Swagger file, you can edit their configuration to add or delete operations.

To add an operation after a REST service was created, do the following:


  1. Click the down arrow to the right of the service and select Create REST Operation.

  2. In the REST Service Wizard, select a schema for the operation using the Browse button for Resource Definition.
  3. Select the operation check box.
  4. Optionally, click Next to configure the operation. You can configure the operation after you have added it from the Components page. For more information, see Updating Configuration.
  5. Click Finish.

Adding an Operation After the REST Reference is Created

To add an operation after a REST reference was created, do the following:


  1. Hover your mouse next to the reference name.
  2. Click the Create REST Operation icon.

  3. In the REST Reference Wizard, select the operation check box.
  4. Optionally, click Next to configure the operation. You can configure the operation after you have added it from the Components page. For more information, see Updating Configuration.
  5. Click Finish.