Copying module properties from one module to another in TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™

A module property can be copied from one shared or application module to another in TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™

To copy module properties from one module to another, a new button Copy To is added in the Properties view for module properties. Be default, this button is disabled.


To copy module properties, make sure the module property is selected in the Module Properties tab. The Copy To button is available only when the module properties are selected.

To copy a module property from one module to another, do the following steps:


  1. In the Project Explorer view, select Module Descriptors > Module Properties of the module from where you want to copy the module properties.
    The Module Properties tab opens.
  2. In the Module Properties tab, select the module properties you want to copy and click on Copy To button.
    The Copy Module Properties wizard opens.
  3. In the Copy Module Properties wizard, select the target project, where you want to paste the module properties and click Finish. The Finish button is available only when the target project is selected. You can select one or more target projects at the same time.
    The module properties are copied to the selected target project with the prefix Copy_new.

    You can copy the module properties from an application module to a shared module or vice versa. It is also possible to copy the module properties from an application module to another application module or the same application module and from a shared module to another shared module.
    When the module properties are copied to the target project, the module property editors are in one of the following states:
    • Closed: The projects are modified silently.
    • Already open but not dirty: The changes are visible and not saved. The editor is marked dirty (*).
    • Already open and dirty: The changes are visible and not saved. The editor is marked dirty (*).
    After the modules properties are copied, they are also synchronized with the application properties and the newly pasted module properties are copied in the application properties as well.
    The module properties can be copied even if they are within groups. When the copied module properties which are within groups, is pasted the same hierarchy path is also copied in the target folder. The new module properties have unique names that are generated as per the scope they are in.