Tokenizing Application Properties for exporting in the Properties file

To tokenize application properties, a new button Tokenize the property is added in the Properties view for application properties.

After tokenization, the property value is set in the format #property_name#. Once the user tokenizes a property, the original default value for the property is lost.

The Tokenize the property button is available only for applications with the Deployment Target set as Container. When you open Export Profile wizard, the tokenized values are already selected.

For more information about how to export tokenized properties to Consul server, see "Exporting Tokenized Properties to Consul Server from TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™" topic in the TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Application Development guide.

Follow the steps to tokenize the application or module properties and export them in properties files.


  1. Double click the application properties.
  2. In the Properties view, select the profile, and click the Export Profile button.
    The Export Profile wizard opens.
  3. In the Export Profile wizard, select the properties to be exported.
  4. Select the check box Export as properties file and browse the location to export the properties file.
    The properties are available in the .properties file in the form of key-value pairs.

    The properties that are selected while exporting the profile for Properties file will be generated as key-value pairs in the .properties file. The keys in the Properties file is generated using the names of the properties that are exported.

    After the property is exported, it is auto-tokenized in TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Studio depending on the deployment target selected for the application project.

    • If the selected deployment target is Container, then the properties are auto-tokenized.
    • If the selected deployment target is both Container and Tibco Cloud, the Tokenize check box is enabled in the Export Profile wizard. On selecting the Tokenize checkbox, the properties are tokenized.

    This functionality supports properties of type boolean, string, integer, long, and password.


The following table lists the values of five different types of properties if the default values are provided for all the properties

Data Type Property Name Before Tokenization After Tokenization Before Export After Export in the properties file
Default Default Default Default
String Property1 test #Property1# test test
Integer Property2 26 #Property2# 26 26
Long Property3 18 #Property3# 18 18
Boolean Property4 true #Property4# true true
Password Property5 ***** #Property5# ***** <encrypted value of the password>


The following table lists the values of five different types of properties if the default values are not provided for all the properties

Data Type Property Name Before Tokenization After Tokenization Before Export After Export in the properties file
Default Default Default Default
String Property1 #Property1# Property1
Integer Property2 #Property2# 0
Long Property3 #Property3# 0
Boolean Property4 #Property4# false
Password Property5 #Property5# <encrypted value of the password>


The following table lists the values of five different types of properties if there are all tokenized properties provided for all the properties

Data Type Property Name Before Tokenization After Tokenization Before Export After Export in the properties file
Default Default Default Default
String Property1 #Property1# #Property1# #Property1# Property1
Integer Property2 #Property2# #Property2# #Property2# 0
Long Property3 #Property3# #Property3# #Property3# 0
Boolean Property4 #Property4# #Property4# #Property4# false
Password Property5 #Property5# #Property5# #Property5# a String: PASSWORD