Consuming a BookStore REST Endpoint

Importing the REST API document

Swagger 2.0-compliant REST API documents must be imported into the TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™ Service Descriptors folder of the project. This gives you the ability to expand and collapse endpoints, operations, parameters and response codes in the Project Explorer view.

Accessing the BookStore Swagger

For the BookStore sample running in the Cloud Foundry environment, the swagger URL should be accessible using the routable URL in the format http://routable URL/swagger.

For example,


Retrieving the Swagger Document

You can now retrieve the swagger document by accessed using the URL
http://routable URL/swagger/swagger.json

or using the following curl command:
curl -o bookstore.json

Importing the Swagger Document in Service Descriptors Folder

For configuring the design time, import the bookstore.json file in your workspace project under the Service Descriptors folder.