Setting up TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Application Monitoring on Cloud Foundry

The following steps describe how to set up TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition application on the Cloud Foundry.


  1. Ensure that Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (CLI) is successfully installed and TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition buildpack is created and pushed to Cloud Foundry environment.
  2. Download the TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition monitoring zip file, bwce_mon-<version>.zip from
  3. Ensure that the MySQL, PostgreSQL or MS SQL Server service is created on Cloud Foundry.


  1. Extract the bwce_mon-<version>.zip file.
  2. Navigate to the bwce_mon directory.
  3. Bind the service created earlier to the monitoring application. You must configure manifest.yml of monitoring application to persist node registry information. You have to specify a database service and an environment variable for the MySQL database.
    Note: The environment variable for application monitoring has been changed from persistence_DB to PERSISTENCE_TYPE.
    Note: For PostgreSQL or MS SQL or Oracle database, ensure that the PERSISTENCE_TYPE environment variable value is set to postgres or mssql or oracle.
    Note: For offline nodejs buildpack uploaded on VMware Tanzu, edit the manifest.yml file with uploaded buildpack name.
     Eg: buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
  4. Execute cf push -f manifest.yml to push the BWCE monitoring application on cloud foundry.
    After the BWCE application is running on Cloud Foundry, you can access the URL from a browser and monitor the application.