Unit Test Reports and Test Coverage Reports

The "site" goal that is included in the Maven debug configuration in TIBCO Business Studio™ for BusinessWorks™ and on the command line produces unit test reports and test coverage reports. These test reports are located at \demo.application\target\site.


  1. Open the index.html using the browser.
  2. Select Project Reports > bwtest.
    This shows a summary of the tests that were run and whether they passed or failed.
  3. From the same folder, open bwcoverage.html.
    This shows a summary of which processes and activities are covered by unit tests, for the entire project and as breakdown for each process.
    Note: The top-level process is not included in this list as it cannot be unit tested. This could be used within CI tools such as Jenkins to ensure that a certain percentage of tests are covered in order to allow a build to proceed.