Refactoring a REST Service or Reference
You can change the configuration of your REST service even after it is created in TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks.
Updating a service created from an imported Swagger file
You can use a Swagger file to either create a service by implementing the contract in it or you can use it to call a service that implements the Swagger file. If the Swagger file you used to create your service or reference gets updated by its provider, you may need to update your implementation of that file in order to get the changes.
The icon to the left of the Swagger file in the Project Explorer in the TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks displays an indication that the file has been modified in its original location and the local copy of the file is not in synchronization with it source. You can compare the differences between the two and update your local copy if need be. To do so, follow these steps:
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