
The Notify activity allows a process instance to send data to a corresponding process instance containing a Wait for Notification activity or the Receive Notification process starter. The Notify Configuration resource and the key specified on the General tab, create the relationship between the Notify activity and the corresponding Wait for Notification activity or Receive Notification activity.


The General tab has the following fields.

Field Description
Name The name to be displayed as the label for the activity in the process.
Shared Configuration The Shared Configuration resource that defines a data schema for this activity.

The Shared Configuration resource is required, but the schema can be empty if you do not want to pass data between processes.

Key The key that coordinates a Notify activity with the corresponding Wait for Notification or Receive Notification activity.
Notification Timeout (msec) The timeout (number of milliseconds) to keep the information for this Notify activity.


Provide a short description of the activity.


This activity contains an input only if there is a schema defined on the Notify Configuration shared resource.

Output Item Datatype Description
schema complex The schema specified by the Notify Configuration shared resource on the General tab.

This schema is used to pass data from the process instance containing the Notify activity into the process instance containing the related Wait for Notification activity or Receive Notification activity.


This activity produces no output.