
This class is used to add business logic for the process starter and signal-in activities.

Both the process starter and signal-in activities are event source activities and use the same EventSource<N> class.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how the methods in the [ActivityName]EventSource<N> class are invoked:

The [ActivityName]EventSource<N> class contains the following methods:

Methods Description
public void init() Use this method to perform any required initialization.
The <code>eventSourceKind</code> argument of this method indicates that the event source is being initialized by a process starter activity or a signal-in activity.
Note: Do not use this method to start an event source. You can start the event source until the {@link Event source#start()} method is called.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 lifecycle method.

public synchronized void start() Use this method to start an event source. You cannot start a new event until this method is called.

Once this method is called, the event source uses the {@link EventSourceContext} interface to notify the BusinessWorks engine of a new event. You can use the {@link EventSource#getEventSourceContext()} method to get the {@link EventSource#getEventSourceContext()} object.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 lifecycle method.

public synchronized boolean isStarted() Returns a boolean value indicating the status of an event source.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 lifecycle method.

public synchronized void stop() Use this method to stop the event source from processing new events.

When this method is called, the event source cannot use the {@link EventSourceContext} interface to notify the BusinessWorks engine of a new event.

Caution: Be careful when using this method to release or delete the resources that are used to start an event source. The {@link EventSource#start()} method cannot be called after the {@link Event source#stop()} method.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 lifecycle method.

public synchronized void destroy() Use this method to release or clean resources held by a source, when an event source is destroyed.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 lifecycle method.