
This class is used to add business logic for a synchronous activity.

The following sequence diagram illustrates how the methods in the [ActivityName]SynchronousActivity<N> class are invoked:

The [ActivityName]SynchronousActivity<N> class contains the following methods:

Methods Description
public void init() Use this method to initialize the activity.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 lifecycle method.

public void destroy() Use this method to release or clean resources held by an event source, when an event source is destroyed.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 lifecycle method.

public N execute() Use this method to define the execution of a synchronous activity.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 lifecycle method.

protected <N, A> N evalOutput Use this method to generate output when the business is completed.
protected <N> N getOutputRootElement() Use this method to get the root element of the output.
public <N> String getInputParameterStringValueByName() Use this method to get the value of a string parameter according to the parameter name from the input.
Note: This method cannot retrieve the value of a sub node.
public <N> boolean getInputParameterBooleanValueByName() Use this method to get the value of a boolean parameter according to the parameter name from the input.