Target Platform

During the development of plug-ins, your plug-in depends on other plug-ins, for example, the SWT and JFace plug-ins. The set of plug-ins that you can use for your development is defined by the plug-ins in your workspace in addition to the plug-ins defined by your target platform. There are two target platforms, namely Design and Runtime.

When you launch TIBCO Business Studio, the Runtime platform is used by default.

  • Design Platform

    This target platform is required for the design-time module. You can work on the UI-related features when the target platform is set to Design platform..

  • Runtime Platform

    This target platform is required for the runtime module. You can work on the runtime related features when the target platform is set to Runtime platform.

To change the platform:

Click File > New > Create a new or modify a BusinessWorks Plug-in project, and then in the Get Started dialog, expand Target Platform and click Design. The target platform in use is selected.

Note: Design projects will not compile when runtime platform is selected and runtime projects will not compile when runtime platform is selected. The Open and Close Projects Accordingly parameter ensures that only projects appropriate to the selected platform are opened.