Packaging the HelloWorld Plug-in

You can generate a provisioning platform (p2) installer for the created HelloWorld plug-in.


  1. Open the BusinessWorks Plug-in Development Kit wizard in one of the following ways:
    • From the menu, click File > New > Create a new or modify a BusinessWorks Plug-in project.
    • On the toolbar, click .
    • Press Alt+T.
  2. In the Get Started dialog, Click Build an Update Site for a BW6 Palette.
  3. In the BW6 Plug-in Information dialog, provide the information for Plug-in Properties File.

  4. Click Browse to locate the file that is located in the HelloWorld project folder.
    The paths for Model Project Path, Design Project Path, Runtime Project Path, and Output Location will be automatically selected. You can change the path for all of them. But it is recommended that you do not change the paths.
  5. Click Finish to package the plug-in.

What to do next

Using a Plug-in