Design-Time Bundle

The design-time bundle contains the code related to activity configurations.

Open the parent TIBCO Business Studio configured with the running platform, and then expand the design-time bundle in the Project Explorer view, the following files and folders are displayed:

Folders and Files Description
src Contains the source code of the design-time configurations.

A palette package is created, which contains the following Java files:

  • The file contains the methods to access your plug-in project.
  • The file contains the fault schema related methods.
    Note: This file is generated only when you do not configure any fault schema.
Besides, a separate package is created corresponding to each activity. Each activity package contains the following Java files:
  • The ActivityNameGeneral/Advanced/ file contains the source code of the General tab, the Advanced tab, and the customized tab, including the source code for the GUI elements configured in these sections.
  • The file contains the source code to initiate a model.
  • The file contains the input and output schema.
    Note: This file is generated when using an XSD file or a WSDL file or using XSD Editor to generate the activity input and output.
  • The file contains the source code of the Input, Output, and Fault tabs.
icons Contains the palette icon to be displayed in the Palette view.
META-INF Contains a MANIFEST.MF file that provides information regarding the plug-in bundle and package.
schema Contains the input, output, and fault schema files of each activity.
plugin.xml Describes how the plug-in extends the platform, what extensions you can use, and how the plug-in implements its functionality.