How to Create and Update Output at Run Time

BusinessWorks Plug-in Development Kit provides a protected <A> N evalOutput(N inputData, ProcessingContext<N> processingcontext, Object data) method to create and update runtime output.

You can find this method in the file from the runtime bundle. If you have selected using XSD to create the activity output, then the XSD elements are created inside this method.

protected <A> N evalOutput(N inputData, ProcessingContext<N> processingContext, Object data) throws Exception {

	SayHelloOutput sayHelloOutput = new SayHelloOutput();
	sayHelloOutput.setOutput("Hello World");
	N output = PaletteUtil.parseObjtoN(SayHelloOutput.class, sayHelloOutput, processingContext, activityContext.getActivityOutputType().getTargetNamespace(), "SayHelloOutput");
	// begin-custom-code
	// add your own business code here
	// end-custom-code
	return output;