General Problems

You might encounter compiling errors when creating a plug-in, you can go over the listed scenarios for troubleshooting.

Scenarios Reason/Workaround
A refresh error occasionally occurs when generating the plug-in bundles because the project is not opened yet. Reopen the project and refresh the project, and then close the project.
A configuration error occurs after loading the property file of the plug-in to be edited. Check the ecore file according to error information.
After generating the palette code, an error dialog is displayed when importing projects. Close the error dialog.
Validation errors occur when running activities that contain the any element. Add code manually.

After installing a generated plug-in, "TIBCO ActiveMatrix" is added at the beginning of the feature name.

Edit the featureName property to change the feature name, the providerName property to change the provider name, and the description property to change the details in the files in the following folders:
  1. Design feature:

  2. Model feature:

  3. Runtime feature:

Child Studio fails to start with an error. You see this message:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to acquire application service.

Design is not the current target platform. Switch to the Design paltform using main window.

Navigate to Target Platform > Design.

Starting of BWApllication fails. You see this message:

Missing Constraint: Require-Capability...

BWApplication does not contain palette bundles.

Navigate to Run > Debug Configurations.

In the Create, manage, and run configurations page, expand BusinessWorks Application and click BWApplication. Select all the palette bundles in the Bundles tab.

Child Studio fails to start with an error "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to acquire application service."

"Design" is not the current target platform.

Switch to the Design target platform from main window; Target Platform > Design.