
This class is used to create input, output, and fault schema for an activity.

The [ActivityName]Signature class contains the following methods:
Methods Description
public boolean hasInput() Returns a value of false when an activity has no input.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 life-cycle method.

public boolean hasOutput() Returns a value of false when an activity has no output.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 life-cycle method.

public XSDElementDeclaration getInputType() Use this method to configure an input schema.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 life-cycle method.

public XSDElementDeclaration getOutputType() Use this method to configure an output schema.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 life-cycle method.

public List<XSDElementDeclaration> getFaultTypes() Use this method to configure a schema for the Fault tab.

This is a BusinessWorks 6 life-cycle method.

private XSDSchema getCompiledSchema() Use this method to configure the imported XSD schema.
Note: This method is generated only when the XSD or WSDL file that you select for the activity imports other XSD schema.