Setting Up Log Levels

You can configure different log levels for the plug-in and plug-in activities to trace different messages.

If you do not configure any log levels, the plug-in uses the default log level of TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks. The default log level is Error.


  1. Navigate to the TIBCO_HOME/bw/version_number/config/design/logback directory and open the logback.xml file.
    Note: When deploying the application in TIBCO Enterprise Administrator, you have to navigate to the TIBCO_HOME/bw/version_number/domains/defaultdomain/appnodes/defaultappspace/defaultappnode directory to find the logback.xml file.
  2. Add the following node in the BusinessWorks Palette and Activity loggers area to specify a log level for the plug-in:
    <logger name="">
       <level value="DEBUG"/>

    The value of the level element can be Error, Info, or Debug.

    Note: If you set the log level to Debug, the input and output for the plug-in activities are also displayed in the Console view. See Log Levels for more details regarding each log level.
  3. Add the following node in the BusinessWorks Palette and Activity loggers area to specify a log level for an activity:
    <logger name="">
       <level value="DEBUG"/>
    For example, add the following node to set the log level of the Put activity to Debug:
    <logger name="">
       <level value="DEBUG"/>
    Note: The activities that are not configured with specific log levels use the log level configured for the plug-in.
  4. Save the file.