
This is an event source activity that starts a TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ process when one or more messages are received.


Because an event source has no input transition, all parameters for the receiver are static literals, process properties, or module properties.

Field Module Property? Description
Name No Name to be displayed as a label for the activity in the process.
SQS Client Yes Select SQS Client configuration either from an existing resource or create a new resource, by using the Choose/Create Default Resource icon .
QueueName Yes Required. This is the queue on which the receiver listens.
Maximum Messages Yes Required. Enter the number of messages to be processed by each newly created TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks™ job. The minimum value is 1, and the maximum value is 10.
ManualDelete No If enabled, use confirm activity to delete the messages. By default, the check box is not selected.
Caution: Always use confirm activity to delete messages within visibility timeout. If the messages are deleted after visibility timeout, then there would be an exception or duplicate messages would be received.
Create Queue If Not Exist No If enabled, the receiver creates a queue with the default configuration, if the named queue does not exist. The queue is owned by the AWS ID specified on the SQS Client shared resource and cannot be accessed by others. By default, the check box is not selected.
ContentBasedDeduplication No This check box appears only when QueueName is entered and Create Queue If Not Exist check box is selected. This check box is applicable for FIFO queue only.


In the Description tab, you can provide a short description for the Receive activity.


The Advanced tab has the following fields:

Field Description
Sequence Key Optional. This field can contain an XPath expression that specifies the order in which processes should run. Process instances with sequencing keys that evaluate to the same value are run in the order, the process instances were created.
Custom Job Id Optional. This field can contain an XPath expression that specifies a custom ID for the process instance.


There are no input fields for the activity.


In the Output tab, you can find the output value of the Receive activity. The following table lists the output elements in the Output tab of the Receive activity.

Output Item Data Type Description
ReceiveOut Complex Serves as an anchor node for multiple SqsMessage nodes. SqsMessages ranging from 1 to 10 may be sent as an input to a new job.
SqsMessage Complex Encodes upto 10 messages.
SenderId String Returns the IAM Role or user ID of the sender.
MessageId String The message ID assigned to the message when it was originally sent.
SentTimeStamp String The time stamp when the message was sent.
Body String The content of the message.
MessageGroupId String It specifies the message group to which the message belongs.
MessageDeduplicationId String It is used for avoiding a duplication of sent messages.
SequenceNumber String The large, nonconsecutive number that the Amazon SQS assigns to each message.
MessageAttrs Complex Any message attributes that were included with the message. Each attribute is composed of a Name, Type and Value.
Name String The name of the attribute.
Type String The type of the attribute.
Value String A string representation of the attribute value.


The Fault tab lists exceptions that are generated by this activity.

Fault Data Type Description
SQSException Any exception generated by the activity after the execution. It has the following fields: ErrorCode and ErrorMessage.
ErrorCode String The plug-in error code for the exception. For more information, refer to Error Codes topic.
ErrorMessage String The plug-in error message for the exception. It contains the error message from the AWS SQS API call that failed.