Error Codes

The following tables list error codes, detailed explanation of each error, and where applicable, ways to solve different errors.

HDFS Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes of the HDFS Connection shared resource and the error codes of the activities in the HDFS palette:

Error Code and Error Message Role Category Description Solution


debugRole BW-Plug-in Any debug message. No action.

Start execute: {0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in Debug message for start activity execution. No action.

End execute: {0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in Debug message for end activity execution. No action.

Customer thread start, thread ID: {0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in Customer thread starts. The thread ID is {0}. No action.

Input data: {1}

debugRole BW-Plug-in The activity input data is {1}. No action.

Output data: {1}

debugRole BW-Plug-in The activity output data is {1}. No action.

{0} : {1}

debugRole BW-Plug-in Debug message for two parameters. No action.

Cached tasks:{0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in The number of cached tasks. No action.

Please specify HDFS connection shared resource.

errorRole BW-Plug-in An HDFS Connection shared resource is not specified. Specify an HDFS Connection shared resource.

Remote Error while run {0}

errorRole BW-Plug-in A remote error occurs while running {0}. No action.

Error Occurred: {0}

errorRole BW-Plug-in An error occurs. Detailed information is {0}. No action.

Invalid hdfs operation: {0}.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The HDFS operation is invalid. Detailed information is {0}. No action.

Invalid HDFS URL, Please specify a correct one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The HDFS URL entered is invalid. Specify a correct HDFS URL.

{0} is not a valid buffer size, valid buffer size should > 0

errorRole BW-Plug-in {0} is an invalid buffer size. The valid buffer size must be greater than 0. Specify a value that is greater than 0.

{0} is not a valid replication, valid replication should > 0

errorRole BW-Plug-in {0} is an invalid replication. The valid replication must be greater than 0. Specify a value that is greater than 0.

{0} is not a valid offset, valid offset should >= 0

errorRole BW-Plug-in {0} is an invalid offset. The valid offset must be greater than or equal to 0. Specify a value that is greater than or equal to 0.

{0} is not a length, valid length should >= 0

errorRole BW-Plug-in {0} is an invalid length. The valid length must be greater than or equal to 0. Specify a value that is greater than or equal to 0.

{0} is not a valid block size, valid block size should > 0

errorRole BW-Plug-in {0} is an invalid block size. The valid block size must be greater than 0. Specify a value that is greater than 0.

{0} is not a valid permission, valid values should 0 - 777

errorRole BW-Plug-in {0} not an invalid permission. The valid values must be in the range 0 - 777. Specify a value in the range 0 - 777.

Unknow result returned: {0}

errorRole BW-Plug-in An unknown result is returned. Detailed information is {0} . No action.

IOException occurred while retrieving XML Output for activity [{0}].

errorRole BW-Plug-in An IOException exception occurs while retrieving XML output for activity [{0}]. No action.

Hadoop Error Codes

The following table lists the error codes of the HCatalog Connection shared resource and the error codes of the activities in the Hadoop palette:

Error Code and Error Message Role Category Description Solution


debugRole BW-Plug-in Any debug message. No action.

Start execute: {0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in Debug message for start activity execution. No action.

End execute: {0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in Debug message for end activity execution. No action.

Customer thread start, thread ID: {0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in Customer thread starts. The thread ID is {0}. No action.

Input data: {1}

debuRole BW-Plug-in The activity input data is {1}. No action.

Output data: {1}

debugRole BW-Plug-in The activity output data is {1}. No action.

Define name field empty so ignore it, Value is: {0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in The Define name field is empty. The value is {0}. No action.

{0} : {1}

debugRole BW-Plug-in Debug message for two parameters.

Cached tasks:{0}

debugRole BW-Plug-in The number of cached tasks. No action.


infoRole BW-Plug-in Any info message. No action.

{0} is done({1}ms)

infoRole BW-Plug-in Activity {0} is done in {1} milliseconds. No action.

Please specify HCatalog connection shared resource.

errorRole BW-Plug-in An HCatalog Connection shared resource is not specified. Specify an HCatalog Connection shared resource.

Error Occurred: {0}

errorRole BW-Plug-in An error occurs. Detailed information is {0}. No action.

Invalid {0} URL, Please specify a correct one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The {0} URL entered is invalid. Specify a correct URL.

Unknow result returned: {0}

errorRole BW-Plug-in An unknown result is returned. Detailed information is {0} . No action.

IOException occurred while retrieving XML Output for activity [{0}].

errorRole BW-Plug-in An IOException exception occurs while retrieving XML output for activity [{0}]. No action.

Remote Error while run {0}

erroRole BW-Plug-in A remote error occurs while running {0}. No action.

Hive error occurred: {0}

errorRole BW-Plug-in A Hive error occurs. Detailed information is {0}. No action.

HDFS URL is empty, please specify one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The HDFS URL is empty. Specify an HDFS URL.

Status directory is empty, please specify one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The status directory is empty. Specify a status directory.

Hive script cannot be null.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The Hive scripts cannot be null. Specify valid Hive scripts.

Hive file script cannot be null, please select one script file.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The Hive file scripts cannot be null. Specify the file that contains the Hive scripts.

Pig script cannot be null.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The Pig scripts cannot be null. Specify valid Pig scripts.

Pig file script cannot be null, please select one script file.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The Pig file scripts cannot be null. Specify the file that contains the Pig scripts.

Mapreduce jar name is required, please provide one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The jar name is required. Specify the jar name in the Jar Name field of the MapReduce activity.

Mapreduce main class is required, please provide one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The main class is required. Specify the main class in the Main Class field of the MapReduce activity.

Mapreduce streaming input is required, please provide one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The streaming input is required. Specify the streaming input in the Input field of the MapReduce activity.

Mapreduce streaming mapper is required, please provide one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The streaming mapper is required. Specify the mapper in the Mapper field of the MapReduce activity.

Mapreduce streaming reducer is required, please provide one.

errorRole BW-Plug-in The streaming reducer is required. Specify the reducer in the Reducer field of the MapReduce activity.