
Table provides shared virtual storage for data. It is a shared entity that can be accessed by multiple applications concurrently, each one of these has the same coherent view of the data contained in the table.


In the Configuration panel, you can view detailed information of an introspected table.

The following table lists the fields in the Configuration panel of a table:

Field Description
Name The name of the table.
Description A short description of the table.
Comment The comment for the table.
Location The directory where the table is located.
Table Columns The columns of the table. A column is associated with a name, a type, an advanced type, and a comment.
Note: The AdvancedType column indicates a complex data type.


In the Advanced panel, you can view advanced configurations of the introspected table.

The following table lists the fields in the Advanced panel of the table:

Field Description
Partitioned If this check box is selected, the table is partitioned. Otherwise, the table is not partitioned.
Output Format The output format of the table.
Owner The owner of the table.
Input Format The input format of the table.
Permission The permission of the table.
Group The group that is associated with the table.
Partition Columns The partition columns of the table. A partition column is associated with a name, a type, and a comment.
Table Properties The properties of the table. A table property is associated with a name and a value.