Error Codes

The error codes in the Fault tab for each activity are listed with corresponding descriptions and resolutions.

Error codes for Cassandra palette:
Error Code and Error Message Role Category Description Resolution
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500001 errorRole BW-Plug-in Activity initialization error. Ensure that the activity is configured correctly.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500002 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception occurred during activity execution. Ensure that the activity is configured correctly.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500003 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception occurred during the authentication phase while connecting to a node. Ensure that the connection shared resource is configured correctly.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500004 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception occurred due to an unexpected error internally in driver. Ensure that at least one host is responding successfully.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500005 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception occurred because the object or the byte buffer content being processed does not comply with the expected CQL type. Ensure that content provided complies with the type configured in the schema.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500006 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when a query cannot be performed because no host is available. Ensure that at least one host is available.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500007 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown because a paging state does not match the statement being executed. Ensure that schema has not changed.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500008 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown due to the timeout during a read query. Ensure proper network resources and connection.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500009 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown due to the timeout during a write query. Ensure proper network resources and connection.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500010 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown due to the timeout during a truncation operation. Ensure proper network resources and connection.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500011 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when the coordinator knows there are not enough replicas alive to perform a query with the requested consistency level. Ensure that the server has enough replicas or adjust consistency level.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500012 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when a query attempts to create a keyspace or table that already exists. Rename keyspace or delete existing keyspace with same name.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500013 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown which indicates a syntactically correct but invalid query. Check the validity of the query being executed.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500014 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown which indicates a syntax error in a query. Check the syntax of query being executed.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500015 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown which indicates that a query cannot be performed due to the authorization restrictions of the logged user. Check the authorization restrictions of logged user.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500016 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown if a query trace cannot be retrieved. Check the trace enabled on Cassandra server.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500017 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when a feature is not supported by the native protocol currently in use. Ensure that the feature being used is supported.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500018 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown indicates that a connection has run out of stream IDs. Check the Cassandra connection settings on server.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500019 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when a data type provided in Prepared Statements mismatches to that provided in Cassandra schema. Check the data types provided in Prepared Statements.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500020 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown indicates that the contacted host reported itself being overloaded. Ensure that the hosts configured are running and available to take requests.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500021 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when some of the replicas that were contacted by the coordinator replied with an error. Check the query and execute after some time.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500022 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when some of the replicas that were contacted by the coordinator replied with an error. Check the query and execute after some time.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500023 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when the contacted host was bootstrapping when it received a read query. Ensure that all hosts are running and available to execute reads.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500024 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown can be raised when the driver is rebuilding its schema metadata, and a user-defined type cannot be completely constructed due to some missing information. Ensure that the user defined is created and is available for use.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500025 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when the client did not hear back from the server. Ensure that the server is running and responsive.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500026 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when the node is down. Ensure that the node is running and responsive.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500027 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown when executing a function. Ensure that the function being executed exists on server and is correct.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500028 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown indicates that the query is invalid because of some configuration problem. Check the configuration options of the query being executed.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500029 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown by the Cassandra driver. Check the Cassandra server.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500030 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown because the existing data type does not match the type of item selected in Prepared Statements. Ensure that all Prepared Statements types are according to the type defined on Cassandra server.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500031 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown because statement is not provided or is empty. Ensure that the statement is provided.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500032 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown because statement is invalid. Ensure that the statement is valid.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500033 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown because Prepared Statements are not equal to number of '?'. Ensure that the Prepared Statements are equal to number of '?'.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE-CASSANDRA-500034 errorRole BW-Plug-in Exception thrown because read size is not integer or less than zero. Ensure that the read size is integer greater than zero.