Importing Dynamics CRM Solution to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server

The Dynamics CRM solution named TibcoBWEventListenerSolution is used to send events triggered on a specified entity from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server to the Entity Event Source activity.


  1. Log on to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server website as an administrator.
  2. From the menu, click SETTINGS > Solutions.
  3. On the All Solutions page, click Import.
  4. On the Select Solution Package page, click Browse to locate the Dynamics CRM solution file.
    The Dynamics CRM solution file is located in the TIBCO_HOME/bw/palettes/dynamicscrm/version_number/scripts directory.
  5. Click Next on the Select Solution Package and Solution Information page, and click Import on the Import Options page.
    By default, the Enable any SDK message processing steps included in the solution check box is selected.
  6. In the Importing Solution dialog, click Close.
  7. Configure the plug-in settings:
    1. On the All Solutions page, double-click TibcoBWEventListenerSolution to open the Configuration page.
    2. Configure the settings for the log level and plug-in listener, and click Save and then Publish to publish the configuration.
      See Configurations for Dynamics CRM Solution for more details.
      Note: The messages that fail to be sent to the listener are stored in the UnpublishedData entity. Click Republish to resend unpublished messages.
    3. Click Sdk Message Processing Steps under the Components node and ensure that the SDK message processing steps are available.

Upgrading Listener Solution

To upgrade a listener solution from the plug-in version 6.4.0 HF-002 or above to the latest version packaged in this release:


  1. Launch the plug-in registration tool, and unregister the Tibco.BW.DynamicsCRM.Plugin assembly that is already present.
    Note: This action removes the Tibco.BW.DynamicsCRM.Plugin assembly along with any existing message processing steps and images.
  2. Repeat the steps in "Importing Dynamics CRM Solution to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server" provided above.