Log Levels

Different log levels include different information.

The Dynamics CRM solution supports the following log levels:
Log Level Description
OFF No information is captured.
Note: If you set the log level to OFF, logs in all the levels, ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG are not captured.

The OFF log level is only supported for the Dynamics CRM solution.

DEBUG Indicates a developer-defined tracing message.
Note: If you set the log level to DEBUG, logs in the ERROR, WARN, INFO, and DEBUG levels are captured.
INFO Indicates normal plug-in operations. No actions are required. A tracing message tagged with Info indicates that a significant processing step is reached, and logged for tracking or auditing purposes. Only info messages preceding a tracking identifier are considered as significant steps.
Note: If you set the log level to INFO, logs in the ERROR, WARN, and INFO levels are captured.
WARN Indicates that an abnormal condition was found. Processing continues, but for best practice, you can contact the administrator to investigate it.
Note: If you set the log level to WARN, logs in the ERROR and WARN levels are captured.
ERROR Indicates that an unrecoverable error occurred. Depending on the severity of the error, the plug-in might continue with the next operation or might stop.
Note: If you set the log level to ERROR, logs only in the ERROR level are captured.