REST Sample Project

The REST sample project contains the following application packages:
  1. batchsample: This package contains the following processes to demonstrate Execute Batch Operations REST activity's features:
    1. batch_CUD.bwp: This process shows how to use the Execute Batch Operations REST activity to Create, Update and Delete entities in a single batch.
    2. batch_update_with_preventcreate.bwp: This process shows how to update entities with the PreventCreate upsert restriction using Execute Batch Operations REST activity.
    3. batch_update_with_preventupdate.bwp: This process shows how to update entities with the PreventUpdate upsert restriction using Execute Batch Operations REST activity.
  2. dcrmrestsample: This package contains the following processes:
    1. AssociateEntities.bwp: This process shows how to use the associate entities activity to associate or disassociate two entities.
    2. CRUD.bwp: This process shows how to create, retrieve, update, and delete entity records in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.
    3. Query_With_OData_Pagination.bwp: This process shows how to perform a query on entities using the Pagination feature.
    4. Query_With_OData.bwp: This process shows how to perform a query on entities without pagination. Query_With_OData contains two QueryREST activities:
      1. QueryREST activities:QueryRESTEntities_OData_UseRef activity demonstrates useRef feature for a single valued navigation property.
      2. QueryRESTEntities_OData_MultipleExpand_WithOutputattr activity shows how to expand on a collection valued navigation property and a single valued navigation property without useRef.
  3. fetchxmlsample: This package contains the following processes to demonstrate support for different types of FetchXML queries in Query REST entities activity including FetchXML with Joins:
    1. inner_join.bwp: This process shows how to use the Query REST Entities activity to retrieve entity records using FetchXML mode using a FetchXML query that uses inner joins.
    2. multiple_aggregate_groupby.bwp: This process shows how to use the Query REST Entities activity to retrieve entity records using FetchXML mode using a FetchXML query that uses aggregate and groupby functions on more than one attribute of the base entity.
    3. multiple_and_nested_link_entities.bwp: This process shows how to use the Query REST Entities activity to retrieve entity records using FetchXML mode using a FetchXML query that uses more than one linked-entity for the base entity with one or more such linked entities in turn having linked entities themselves.
    4. outer_join.bwp: This process shows how to use the Query REST Entities activity to retrieve entity records using FetchXML mode using a FetchXML query that uses outer joins.