Associate Entities

The Associate Entities activity is used to create or delete the link between entity records in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.


you can Establish a connection to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server in the General tab and specify the link of the entity records you want to create or delete.

The following table lists the configurations in the General tab of the Associate Entities activity:

Field Module Property? Description
Name No Specify the name of the activity in the process definition.
Dynamics CRM Connection Yes Specify a shared connection resource.

Click the icon to select a space connection. If no matching Dynamics CRM connections are found, click Create Shared Resource in the Select DynamicscrmResource Resource Template dialog to create one. See Creating a Dynamics CRM Connection for more details.

Disassociate Entities No Select this check box to delete the created link of the entity records.


In the Description tab, enter a short description for the Associate Entities activity.


Specify the entity records and the link that you want to create or delete in the Input tab.

The following table lists the input elements in the Input tab of the Associate Entities activity:

Input Item Data Type Description
The following elements are included in the Entity node.
EntityLogicalName String Specify the logical name of the entity.
EntityId String Specify the ID of the related entity record.
The following elements are included in the Relationship node.
SchemaName String Specify the name of the relationship that is used to create or delete the link.
Note: You can check the name of the relationship in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.
PrimaryEntityRole String Specify the role of the primary entity.
The following elements are included in the Relatedentities > EntityReferenc node.
EntityLogicalName String Specify the logical name of the related entity records.
EntityId String Specify the IDs of the related entity records.


The error code and error message of the Associate Entities activity are displayed in the Fault tab. See Error Codes for a more detailed explanation of errors.

The following table lists error schema elements in the Fault tab of the Associate Entities activity:

Error Schema Element Data Type Description
message String The error message returned by the plug-in.
messageCode String The error code returned by the plug-in.