Configurations for Dynamics CRM Solution

The Configuration page contains the settings for logs and listener.

Field Description
Log level Specify the log level to trace different messages. See Log Levels for more details.
Note: The TRACE log level is not supported for Dynamics CRM solution.
Listener Settings/Listener
Server URL Specify the endpoint URL for the HTTP Connection. The format is domain_name:port_number/relative_path.

  • The domain name must be parsed by DNS. You cannot use the IP address or local host.
  • The information in the URL must be consistent with the values specified in the Entity Event Source activity.

use SSL Select this check box if you want to use SSL authentication to secure the message exchange of the user event triggered on a specified entry.
Entity type

Select an entity from the list of entities on this Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance for which a listener is to be configured.

Event type

Select the type of event, such as Select All, Create, Update, or Delete for which the listener is to be configured.

FilterQuery Specify a query to filter and receive specific information for an entity event. You can create a filter query using the entity attributes so that the listener is triggered only if the filter query is satisfied. See the tables that follow for the data types and operators supported in a filter query.

Note: Use EMPTY to check for null or empty values in any entity or event attribute.

Example: EmpId neq EMPTY

Username Specify the user name to perform basic authentication for the Entity Event Source activity.
Note: The user name that is specified here must be the value that was specified in the Username field of Entity Event Source or REST Entity Event Source activity.
Password Specify the password to perform basic authentication for the Entity Event Source activity.
Note: The password that is specified here must be the value that was specified in the Password field of Entity Event Source or REST Entity Event Source activity.
Retries Specify the amount of times for the Dynamics CRM solution attempting to resend user event messages to the Entity Event Source activity if the previous sending failed.
RetryInterval Specify the interval period in milliseconds before the Dynamics CRM solution attempts to resend the user event messages.

Specify the name or ID of the certification file uploaded on the Web Resources page. See Configuring SSL Client Authentication for more details.

  • This field is displayed when the use SSL check box is selected.
  • The value for this field is not required if you choose one way SSL authentication.


CertificationPassword is not applicable because two way SSL authentication is not supported in TIBCO Cloud Integration.

  • This field is displayed when the use SSL check box is selected.
  • The value for this field is not required if you choose one way SSL authentication.

Enable Specify whether the listener configuration is enabled.

Data Types and Operators Supported in a Filter Query

The following data types and relational operators are supported in a filter query.

Data Type Operators Example
  • contains
  • endswith
  • startswith
  • eq
  • neq
EmpName startswith Tom
  • eq
donotpostalmail eq True
integer/floating point/decimal
  • eq
  • neq
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
date time
  • eq
  • neq
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
DateOfJoining eq 01/01/2019
  • eq
  • neq
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
familystatuscode eq 1
Note: You must use the optionset value, not the optionset label, in the query. In the example, 1 is the value for option "Single".
Multi select Optionset
  • neq

new_multiselectoption neq EMPTY

  • eq
  • neq
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
creditlimit > 70
Note: You must not use currency symbols such as, $,₹,£, and the like in the query.
  • eq
  • neq
accountid eq 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Note: You must use the Id field of lookup type attribute in the query.

The following logical operators are supported in a filter query.

Operators Example
  • AND
  • OR
name startswith Tom AND empid>=10001 AND DateOfJoining eq 01/01/2019

name startswith Tom OR empid>=10001 OR DateOfJoining eq 01/01/2019

Note: If you use AND as your first operator in a query, then you can use only AND as the operator in the rest of the query operations. Or, if you use OR as your first operator in the query, then you can use only OR as the operator in the rest of the query operations. You cannot combine AND and OR operators in a single query.